Aphilas' extremely rare facing portrait issue
Los 278
Aphilas, circa 310-325. Lepton (Bronze, 13 mm, 1.25 g, 1 h). ΛΦΙΛΛC - BΛCIΛЄΥ-C Draped bust of Aphilas facing, wearing tight-fitting head cloth; above, pellet in crescent. Rev. ΑξⲰΜΙΤⲰΝ - BICI ΔΙΜΗΛΗ Draped bust of Aphilas to right, wearing tight-fitting head cloth; above, pellet in crescent. Hahn, Aksumite, 10. Hahn & Keck, MAKS, 12. Munro-Hay, AC, type 14. Extremely rare and unusually attractive for this difficult issue. Minor deposits and with traces of corrosion, otherwise, fine.

From the Dr. Stephan Coffman Collection.

The extremely rare gold and bronze coins of Aphilas showing a facing portrait were copied from Roman prototypes of the era, most likely from the famous solidi of Licinius I issued in circa 320-321. Moreover, they are the first Axumite bronze coins of which some were struck rather than cast. Unfortunately, they are almost invariably poorly preserved, with this piece being among the finest known examples.
500 CHF
400 CHF
1900 CHF
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